Tuesday, February 9, 2010

A ReEmergence. . .of Sorts

     So where have I been you might ask?  Or not!  Either way, it has been quite some time since I rambled about on the interconnected medium known as the "blog".  While I have thought recently that resuming my blog habits might be a good way to bolster my job search, profess my love and knowledge of all things "green" (well, not all of them), and just seem more hip in general, I have to admit that it was actually watching the movie "Julia and Julia" that pushed me inspired over the edge of procrastination.

     Yes, it's true...signing up for a cable TV subscription in order to watch my beloved Red Sox has resulted in a chivalrous compromise, bringing me ever closer to the world of "Chick Flicks".  And yet, being a closet Iron Chef, I found myself engaged in the movie long enough to resonate with the main character's dilemma.